Grizzly's FAQ

This website is intended to focus on opportunities for home owners to learn about cost effective, environmentally appropriate methods and products for lawn & garden. These include mulch, soil, compost, clam shells, pine needles, stone in bags or bulk, sod, and more. We hope you enjoy your tour and remember, you can call us anytime for advice on products or a free consultation with Doc Grizzly at your home.


Measure the area to be covered in square feet by multiplying length X width. This provides the number of square feet. For 3 inches coverage, divide this number by 100, 2 inches divide by 150, 1 inch by 300. For example, a bed measuring 5 X 50 feet = 250 sq. ft. For 3 inches coverage, 250/100 = 2.5 cubic yards.
We sell our bulk products by the cubic yard because this is a measure of volume and conforms to the needs of our landscaping customers. (See the paragraph above.) Different products have different weight values which must be converted to volumetric values to use in a landscaping situation. To use two extreme examples: a ton of sand would be approx. 2/3 of a cubic yard (less, If the sand is wet from a recent rain); a ton of mulch would be about 3.5 cubic yards.
Traditionally, in our mid-Atlantic climate, firewood is seasoned 6 – 8 months after it is split. The longer the wood is exposed to air, the more dry it becomes.
Spring and fall are ideal for installing new sod. Mild weather and reliable moisture are what new turf needs. Sod may be installed in summer if irrigation or other reliable, regular watering is available. Winter installation is also acceptable as long as the soil is not frozen.
Compost is a better choice when a lawn or garden needs more organic material to feed plants and invigorate plant health and growth. Topsoil is called for when the garden or lawn requires additional bulk or a change of grade.
Spring is traditionally the time of year to add mulch, but the right time is when the garden needs a) help in reducing weed growth, b) a moisture retention agent, c) something to accentuate the appearance of the garden plot. Fall/Winter mulching can also offer protection to root matter from harsh, freezing winter weather.
That depends on the age and condition of the old mulch. Lots of faded sticks don’t add anything of value to the garden environmentally or aesthetically and can be removed and recycled. Leaf mulch doesn’t leave anything behind when it decomposes into the garden soil.
The percentage of organic matter in our topsoil ranges from < 10% to <20% by volume. Topsoil requires a quantity of inorganic material to provide structural stability for the plants.
Our retail area includes all of Sussex County, Delaware. Our wholesale customers range up and down the mid-Atlantic area from Washington, D.C. to central New Jersey.